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What Gas Is Used For Plasma Cutting

The working gases used in plasma cutting are: nitrogen, hydrogen, argon, oxygen, air, etc. Their cutting characteristics are as follows:
Argon Hydrogen Plasma Arc
Advantages: excellent cutting performance; smooth cutting surface with metallic luster; less smoke and dust than nitrogen plasma arc cutting; narrow incision.
Disadvantages: easy to stick to slag; cutting speed is 20% to 30% slower than nitrogen plasma arc; not suitable for cutting thin plates below 10mm.
Nitrogen Plasma Arc
Advantages: good cutting performance; good cutting surface; not easy to stick to slag; easy to set cutting process parameters; gas is cheaper than argon and hydrogen plasma arc cutting; lower operating cost.
Disadvantages: the most smoke and dust; there is a lot of NO2; the cutting surface has a nitride layer, which is easy to blow holes during welding. The loss of electrodes is faster than that of argon and hydrogen plasma arc cutting.
Air Plasma Arc
Advantages: The cutting performance is acceptable; the cutting surface is good; the cutting speed is fast; the cutting surface without sticky slag is easy to obtain; the working gas is easy to obtain; the operating cost is low.
Disadvantages: There are nitrides on the cutting surface; the thickness of the cut is limited; the electrodes and nozzles are easy to wear.
Oxygen Plasma Arc
Advantages: The cutting performance is OK; the cutting surface is good; the cutting speed is fast; it is easy to obtain a cutting surface without sticky residue
Disadvantages: There is a limit to the thickness of the cut; plasma consumables such as electrodes and nozzles are quickly worn out.
Water Recompressed Air Plasma Arc
Advantages: good cutting performance; cutting speed is about 30% faster than general nitrogen ion arc cutting; the cutting surface is smooth and white, and a vertical cutting surface (only one side of the cutting seam) can be obtained, and the upper edge has an acute angle, and the lower edge has no No sticky slag; small thermal deformation; can inhibit harmful effects such as light, toxic gas and cutting smoke; large cutting ability, which is conducive to cutting thick plates.
Disadvantages: There is a nitride layer on the cutting surface; the cutting condition cannot be seen clearly; a cutting platform with a water tank is required; the arc power is large

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